Thursday, September 30, 2010

Superstitious MINDS: Ooops! It's not me

Ooopss! It's not me
By Patient No. 0892
Juvylle Almasan

  I remember when I was a child, my grandmother always tells us that we should avoid pointing our utensils to anybody who’s eating with us because that person might be accuse for some matters that he or she doesn’t really does. So every time we eat together, we are very careful in positioning our utensils. I grew up having that thought, and maybe there’s nothing wrong if I have made myself believed on it. That’s funny on me. But as I grew and reached the age wherein I am already exposed with the truths—scientifically based facts, that certain belief slowly vanished until it’s surprisingly gone from my daily routine.

   There are certain issues in life that we really couldn’t escape on, even if we want to. How a person deals with some circumstances of his or her life sometimes depend on that person’s past experiences, or even with his or her beliefs. And there’s nothing wrong with that. We learned from our experiences, but sometimes we couldn’t trust our inherited beliefs, especially if we knew from the start that it will only imprison us from enjoying life and enjoying our meals too. We are now in a modern age. Whether we are aware or not, changes around us always take place. Life is too short, and it’s very embarrassing if we will still choose to make it complicated. We must learn to live life to the fullest and live on it with truths, for the truths set us free.

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