Thursday, September 23, 2010

iPOEM: Three Years

Three years

by: Patient No. 0218
Merby Jane G. Lorico

I tried not to think

But my heart says that it hurts

Since you left me all alone

My world seems to be miserable after all.

Feelin’ like I have no right to love

Because the life I only have is you

I’m getting crazy when you decided to leave me

Feeling like my whole existence was died.

I can’t eat, I can’t think well

Always absent-minded and reminisced the good moments together

A promise that we are still together even in rapture

But that promise seems to be only a noun and will never be a verb.

You don’t know how much I prayed for you

To see a guy that will complete me as a whole

But one, two, three three months are our relationship last

And one, two, three three years that I’m suffering from great heartaches.

I know that it is crazy to hope that you will be mine

But I can’t blame myself because this is where I’m happy

Happy to think that I love you and you love me

Even though that imagination will never happen again

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