Wednesday, September 22, 2010

iPOEM: Exceptional

By: Patient No. 1223
Christopher Kinikito 

Wasn't sealed, free indeed,
Noise only accustomed.
Heart and mind ceaselessly screaming
"Why words aren't slipping?"

Exceptional ones oh yes they are!
Hands and face adjoining distance afar.
Fingers can wear words,
Face can illuminate emotions.

Have got no words to utter,
Never commensurate to dreams shattered.
Distinct as they may seem,
Lives still worth in this eternal scheme.

Hear them not
Speak them not
No! never keep your back to the wall;
Only few can break a fresh ground.

Everyone will surely land on a sticky wicket,
Flaws be worn with pride.
Every breathe has cause;
Go on live for God's purpose.

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