Thursday, September 23, 2010

iPOEM: Laugh and Die

Laugh and Die
By: Patient No. 0791
Alvin Mesa

I found myself laughing
But my heart is still dying
I should’ve accept that truth
Even if my life it took

They say im a social deviant
But at least I have self-reliant
I don’t want a fight;
Because I know I’m right

You’re shimmering blood  makes me a man
A man that is inside a rusty can,
Which makes my life a living hell
Or a miserable girl climbing up from a well

Let me be the murderer
To kill all your boredom
If you don’t let me;
You are the one that I am going to kill

Laugh your heart out !
Laugh like there is no doubt
Die to see there is no heaven and hell
Because your second life is me


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