Friday, September 17, 2010

The Crazy Side of MANILA.... Lunacy Trip

Christopher Kinikito

             We had a very exciting and interesting trip last Wednesday, 15th of September. Our team went to Rizal Park for an excursion. As we continue to look around and wonder the old yet famous park, it came to our attention a couple of individuals, considered outcasts and rejects of the society... the mentally unsound people hanging around going about their business as if they are the sane ones.

A couple of examples where when we strolled over Quirino Grandstand. There is a "taong grasa" reeking of stench of dust and pollution of the metropolis, her bra wore over her shirt, inciting riot over the area, yet his senseless rambling was ignored by the common sane people. She was cursing and throwing things to her unsuspected victims. She made a spectacle of herself in which she was being stared at and became a subject of nervous murmurs of her audiences. But she doesn't care! Perhaps in her caged, deranged mind, she's doing something that actually makes sense... in her reality.

Another instance is the case of the crazy women. We saw her came out of the stinking Manila Bay., armed with her plastic bag of clams, mussels and sorts of other shellfish that she was able to find in the murky waters of Manila Bay. I thought, "this woman may have to sell what she caught to feed her family" but also to my surprise, the woman started crushing the shells with her feet, not caring of the slight pain. In fact, the woman was so serious of what she was doing.

The last one, our team have witnessed is a sullen looking man, talking seriously and with utmost enthusiasm. Another thought came across me, "he must be intellectual, the torn up clothes and the mixture of urine and complete disregard of personal hygiene." Completely ignoring the fact that he may be put on quarantine because of his appearance, I tried to eavesdrop on the conversation. I suddenly came to a halt and saw who the man was talking to. The man was talking to a rock, steadily listening to the thoughts blurted out and in unrecognized manner. We tried to comprehend his words. In the end, I felt more confused yet at awe to how this insane man continues to talk, preach to his only audience, the lifeless rock.

With these incidents in mind, on my way home, I can't help but wonder why they have become rejects of society. Is it mainly because they don't adhere to the norms of our society? Is it because they chose to be free from the bonds of society? Or simply they have lost their sanity between their existence and the only way for them to survive, is to become anonymous.

To me, I wondered, all of us are crazy, deranged and mentally unsound. The only distinction is us "normal" people have a way of classifying ourselves as an expected course of everyday life. I also wonder, the people we saw on our trip, in their eyes, do they think that I am insane, just the way that I think they are one?

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