What’s with the Number 10?
By: Brendalyn Chato
What’s with the Number 10?
By: Brendalyn Chato
October 10, 2010 is said to be a lucky date, likewise, the number 10 is a lucky number. It is regarded to be the most perfect number, it then includes the created and the non-created, the beginning and the end, and the life and the nothing. According to Agrippa, ten is the number of all or universal, and the complete number making the full course of life. It represents the end of a cycle and the beginning of another, also, 10 is regarded as being the number of the life and the death. The number 10 is also significant in the bible. Example is the 10 commandments of God given to Moses, the 10 leprous heal by Jesus, and the 10 generations from Adam until Noah, also 10 is used 244 times in the bible.
According to Peter Denov, a spiritual master, a maximum of 10 possibilities would be given to the man in his life to start loving. An opportunity will come that require his powerful force that will happen every 10 years. Another, the ancient believes that there would be 10 lessons and 10 realities of each truth.
10 represent the couple, the marriage. 1 represents the man, 0 is the egg which will be fertilized by 1. This symbolism means that this year’s 10.10.10. will be a perfect date for wedding couples. In fact, in Singapore there are 774 couples that already signed up to get married on 10.10.10. , according to statistics from the Registry of marriage, that was too much compared to 70 register on a normal day. In recent years, two dates rang wedding bells because of their unique numbers. In September 9, 2009, 357 couples got married while there were 443 on August 8, 2008. Therefore, 10.10.10. is not just a big day for the wedding couples but also to the businesses associated with this kind of event like, hotels, photographers, florist, stylist and wedding organizers. Also, it is said to be a beautiful date because October 10. 2010 will fall on a Sunday.
Another event that will happen on 10.10.10. is the “One Day on Earth”. This will be a huge media event in history where people across the planet can be apart of a documentary showcasing “the diversity, conflict, tragedy and triumph that can occur one 24-hour period on Earth”. People all over the world are invited to participate in this event that will not only open our eyes to reality but will create a community of God-loving human beings.
The Rubbo Art of Energy website is also inviting everybody to participate in the “The World Takes a Breath Day” on October 10, 2010 at 10:10am for 10 minutes in every zone. This will let us experience an extra ordinary breath with the purpose of uplifting humanity.
In the Philippines, a Run for Pasig River will be conducted on 10.10.10 with the purpose of restoring the river, as well as the environment. Schools, private companies and business corporations are expected to join the said event.
All the superstitious belief regarding the number 10 might be reliable and not, but it really affects our daily lives. It is not bad to believe in the superstitions, they are just the spices that make our lives worth living, exciting and sometimes out of the ordinary. We almost grew up hearing them and no one has ever thrown into jail after following such superstitions. But we have to consider that we can create our own lucks, because a goal without work is just a wish. We still have to exert an effort to put thing on the right places where we wish them to be. Lastly, we must do the right thing and have an initiative. We don’t just rely on the superstitions or symbolisms before realizing the value of life.
The Perfect Superstition
By: Alvin Mesa
By: Alvin Mesa
Manila cathedral for the church, Manila hotel for the reception, wedding gown made by Randy Ortiz and over 100 guests for your wonderful wedding but how about the date? Well I suggest October 10, 2010 is the perfect date. Perfect for the most important day of your life.
October 10, 2010 or 10-10-10, symbolizes perfection because in colloquial Chinese, ten means being perfect .in Chinese, ten is pronounced as “shi” which is used in the phrase “Shi Quan Shi Mei” that means “perfect in every way “and many couples think that this date may also give a damn luck on their partnership. Superstition as what they say. In fact in Singapore there are 700 pairs were reportedly booked this day to tie the knot.
But on the contrary, in Chinese date selection, October 10, 2010 is a Danger day. Though it does not literally mean danger or life-threatening day, but it is a day of uncertainty and non-significant activities that may give us a lot of stress. However, according to advance date selection 10-10-10 may give blessings because of the positive energies coming from the “Bright Hall”.
There is nothing bad about believing on feng shui or following some traditions such as superstitious beliefs. If these activities make you happy and satisfied, well no one has the right to stop you from doing it. But the most important is, at the end of the day, we still have faith to the Lord who make our days the best day of our lives.