Thursday, September 30, 2010

Superstitious MINDS: 10.10.10.

What’s with the Number 10?
By: Brendalyn Chato

October 10, 2010 is said to be a lucky date, likewise, the number 10 is a lucky number. It is regarded to be the most perfect number, it then includes the created and the non-created, the beginning and the end, and the life and the nothing. According to Agrippa, ten is the number of all or universal, and the complete number making the full course of life. It represents the end of a cycle and the beginning of another, also, 10 is regarded as being the number of the life and the death. The number 10 is also significant in the bible. Example is the 10 commandments of God given to Moses, the 10 leprous heal by Jesus, and the 10 generations from Adam until Noah, also 10 is used 244 times in the bible.

According to Peter Denov, a spiritual master, a maximum of 10 possibilities would be given to the man in his life to start loving. An opportunity will come that require his powerful force that will happen every 10 years. Another, the ancient believes that there would be 10 lessons and 10 realities of each truth.

10 represent the couple, the marriage. 1 represents the man, 0 is the egg which will be fertilized by 1. This symbolism means that this year’s 10.10.10. will be a perfect date for wedding couples. In fact, in Singapore there are 774 couples that already signed up to get married on 10.10.10. , according to statistics from the Registry of marriage, that was too much compared to 70 register on a normal day. In recent years, two dates rang wedding bells because of their unique numbers. In September 9, 2009, 357 couples got married while there were 443 on August 8, 2008. Therefore, 10.10.10. is not just a big day for the wedding couples but also to the businesses associated with this kind of event like, hotels, photographers, florist, stylist and wedding organizers. Also, it is said to be a beautiful date because October 10. 2010 will fall on a Sunday.

Another event that will happen on 10.10.10. is the “One Day on Earth”. This will be a huge media event in history where people across the planet can be apart of a documentary showcasing “the diversity, conflict, tragedy and triumph that can occur one 24-hour period on Earth”. People all over the world are invited to participate in this event that will not only open our eyes to reality but will create a community of God-loving human beings.

The Rubbo Art of Energy website is also inviting everybody to participate in the “The World Takes a Breath Day” on October 10, 2010 at 10:10am for 10 minutes in every zone. This will let us experience an extra ordinary breath with the purpose of uplifting humanity.

In the Philippines, a Run for Pasig River will be conducted on 10.10.10 with the purpose of restoring the river, as well as the environment. Schools, private companies and business corporations are expected to join the said event.

All the superstitious belief regarding the number 10 might be reliable and not, but it really affects our daily lives. It is not bad to believe in the superstitions, they are just the spices that make our lives worth living, exciting and sometimes out of the ordinary. We almost grew up hearing them and no one has ever thrown into jail after following such superstitions. But we have to consider that we can create our own lucks, because a goal without work is just a wish. We still have to exert an effort to put thing on the right places where we wish them to be. Lastly, we must do the right thing and have an initiative. We don’t just rely on the superstitions or symbolisms before realizing the value of life.

The Perfect Superstition
By: Alvin Mesa

     Manila cathedral for the church, Manila hotel for the reception, wedding gown made by Randy Ortiz and over 100 guests for your wonderful wedding but how about the date? Well I suggest October 10, 2010 is the perfect date. Perfect for the most important day of your life.
October 10, 2010 or 10-10-10, symbolizes perfection because in colloquial Chinese, ten means being perfect .in Chinese, ten is pronounced as “shi” which is used in the phrase “Shi Quan Shi Mei” that means “perfect in every way “and many couples think that this date may also give a damn luck on their partnership. Superstition as what they say. In fact in Singapore there are 700 pairs were reportedly booked this day to tie the knot.
But on the contrary, in Chinese date selection, October 10, 2010 is a Danger day. Though it does not literally mean danger or life-threatening day, but it is a day of uncertainty and non-significant activities that may give us a lot of stress. However, according to advance date selection 10-10-10 may give blessings because of the positive energies coming from the “Bright Hall”.

There is nothing bad about believing on feng shui or following some traditions such as superstitious beliefs. If these activities make you happy and satisfied, well no one has the right to stop you from doing it. But the most important is, at the end of the day, we still have faith to the Lord who make our days the best day of our lives.

Superstitious MINDS: The Fool Moon Effect

By Patient No/ 0616
Lorain Cerdan

Hey Moon, Please forget to fall down
You are at the top of my lungs
Drawn to the ones who never  yawn
-Northern Downpour                                                                                                                  Panic! At the Disco

            The moon, especially when it’s full is always associated with stories of mysteries and superstitions. Full Moons are traditionally believed to be the cause of insomnia, insanity  and various "magical phenomena" not only here in the Philippines but also around the world. This phenomena is termed the “Lunar Effect”, a pseudo scientific theory suggesting that there is a connection between the phases of the moon and the behavioral activities of some human beings most especially those who are declared insane, hence, the term “Lunatic”. Though this phenomenon is not fully accepted by some scholars, some studies show that there is an increase of deterioration of mental being observed from schizophrenic patients during a full moon. Not only that, it also said to have a physiological effect on epileptic patients, changing the occurrence of epileptic seizures.
 As if that wasn’t weird enough, other superstitious beliefs claim that the full moon has a direct effect to a woman’s menstrual cycle. Also according to some traditions, surgeons actually refuse to do an operation during a full moon in fear that the patient might die of blood loss because of the moon’s effect on fluids. This is because of the unscientific work by Arnold L. Lieber entitled “How the Moon Affects You”  introduces the author's "biological tides theory" which explains that the lunar cycles which cause tides in the ocean also cause them in the human body, since the human body is almost 80% water
                 Psychologists, however, have found that there is no strong evidence for effects on the human mind  during  a full moon. Ivan Kelly, James Rotton and Roger Culver,  professors of Educational Psychology in the University of Saskatchewan,  examined over 100 studies on lunar effects and they concluded that the studies have failed to show a reliable and significant evidence of the phases of the moon and its effect on the human psychological behavior and other happenings such as increased number of homicides, unusual birth of babies, suicides, assassinations, madness  and even vampirism.  So why do a lot of people still believe in this age-old superstition?

It is probably because of the full moon stereotype. These lunar myths are often unconsciously fed into the minds of the people by the media since it has the ability to shape and change the audience’s perceptions, beliefs and values.  We get these “convictions” through watching movies, especially horror themed ones where the full moon usually heightens the creepy factor. Admit or not, the when the moon is full you automatically hear the sound of dogs howling in the distance.  Or sometimes, just by reading too much of Stephen King and listening to too much goth music.
                Anyway, It is natural for us Filipinos to believe in even the most ridiculous superstitions because that is the way we were raised. Now, there is nothing wrong in believing in myths and superstitions just as long it does not affect your relationship with others and the way you live your life. Whether it is a full moon or not, the truth is, we are all a little insane sometimes.

Superstitious MINDS: Unexplained Ones

Unexplained Ones
Patient No. 1223
Christopher Kinikito

Superstitions… Hard to figure out the reasons why these beliefs exist and how they came to be. Some of them are taken seriously by our parents and grandparents. Actually, there is nothing wrong if we believe in them and try to follow what our parents and grandparents have said. For instance, if you dream of losing your teeth, it means that a family member will die. A creepy one. According to our grandparents, the only way to break that saying is that we should bite a solid material like wood or coin. We don’t have a choice but to follow because we fear to it or else you want that to happen.
Another instance of unexplained things is “kulam” or what we call witchcraft. Most of the islands in Visayas were believed to have witches. Siquijor near Dumaguete is the most famous and feared by Filipinos. The entire island is considered to be infested with witches and unsafe for travel. But according to an article I’ve read, Siquijor is noted for it’s faith healers, which draws a great number of visitors for treatment. Most healers charged nothing for their services, relying on donations of food or candles.

Superstitious MINDS: A Drive to a New Life

A Drive to a New Life
By Patient No. 0591
Kathleen Schatzie Marcelino

Probably it's one of the peculiarities of human mind that people want to believe. Some believe in ghosts, some in UFOs, others - in superstitions. Such beliefs are not supported by any clear and thorough scientific evidence. For that exact reason they are beliefs, and faith is the only power that keeps them alive.

Most of us still believe in superstitions. “Nothing’s wrong if we follow”, they say. But how do we really know if it’s true or not? Let me give you an example of a superstition. They say, something tragic accident will happen if we travel or stroll before our graduation. But, do we really think that this “accident” will going to happen? Maybe somebody follow while others not. Is there an effect in one’s mind? Yes it is. It affects us in a way that in all superstitions, we will get paranoid just to avoid it. It affects our mind because we thought that it is best if we follow it even if it’s degrading our own perceptions and own beliefs. Indeed, some people are so superstitious that they refuse to leave their homes on certain days, for fear of bad luck striking them down.

So, belief in superstitions may have both positive and negative effects on our lives. Everything depends on the superstition and on what the particular superstition promises to the person. One gets what one thinks of.

If we think, it’s better to forget about those superstitions then forget it for you to move forward. Don’t get stuck in a place just because you’re too afraid of these beliefs and having this "bad luck". There’s nothing wrong in trying. Just try.

Superstitious MINDS: Periodically Lunatic

Periodically Lunatic
By Patient No. 2892
Edgar Dianne Agustin

“Don’t take a bath when you have your period, you might get crazy.”
Filipinos are rich in culture and tradition, and superstitions are one of the best examples of these beliefs.
Some of the superstitions in the Philippines are scientifically based, like avoiding taking a bath when women have menstruation because this may cause craziness.
One of my interviewees has somehow proved to me that this can really happen.
One of my friend’s mother’s officemate had gone mad because of this phenomenon. After a hard day’s work and a harsh pouring rain, Mrs. Virginia Santos had her period and proceeded to her comfort room and showered the stress away. After a few moments, Mrs. Santos’ children saw their mom acting peculiar and weird. This has come to conclusion that her lunacy is caused by taking a bath while she has her period.
Scientifically speaking, Mrs. Santos’ case is not connected with menstruation and taking a bath. The family doctor confirmed that Mrs. Santos’ condition is caused by brain cramps, causing the abnormal processing of the brain.
Based on researches, there are no effects in our brain that can cause insanity when you take a bath while having your period. Expert says that women should always stay clean in time of their menstruation, because proper hygiene is important because bacteria might want to have a party inside your body for it is where the infections starts.
Anything that happens, we can regard as superstitions or scientific but either way, we should take our precautions because there is nothing you will lose if you believe in these.